WR001924: Retaining Talent—Exploring Employee Compensation Plans
Even in the age of automation, the most valuable resource any company has is its employees. Finding the right person who fits the skills needed for the job and the personality of the organization is a challenge, especially in a competitive market. Using examples and illustrative problems, this course will explore the structure and taxation of various types of employee compensation plans. It will also utilize surveys and statistics to explore the effects of various types of plans on employee retention.

Event Level: Basic
Who Should Attend: CFOs & controllers who are involved in compensation decisions for their employees, as well as practitioners who advise on these issues for their clients
Required Knowledge: Basic knowledge of employee benefit plans
Advanced Preparation: Basic knowledge of employee benefit plans
Vendor: Peters Professional Education
Speaker: Peters, David
  • * State the agency problem and how it affects compensation decisions for employees * Describe the taxation of bonuses and various stock plans for both employers and employees * List key considerations when developing retirement plans for employees
Event Information
Date Presented:
May 31, 2024 8:30 AM Eastern
50 minutes
CPE Select Price:
Member Price:
Retaining Talent—Exploring Employee Compensation Plans
Individual topic purchase: Selected
North Carolina Association of Certified Public Accountants
Taxes: 1.00