WCNBIF24: Business & Industry Fall Conference (Virtual)

In the worlds of business and industry, the biggest constant is change. This conference covers a myriad of topics aimed to comprehensively address the trends and solutions accounting professionals and business leaders need to understand in order to position their organizations for future success.


Highlights:* Environmental Accounting * Leadership * Federal Tax Update * Key Tax Issues * CFO Series * Fraud * Hiring & Retention * Technology Trends
Who Should Attend: Controllers, CFOs, Finance Managers, and others responsible for the financial planning and strategy for their business or firm.
Event Level: Update
Required Knowledge: None
Advanced Preparation: None
Field of Study: Various
CPE: 20.00






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  • Participants will be able to collaborate with other finance executives and leaders, gain insights to emerging trends and issues in business and industry, and discuss various issues that impact CPAs and other financial decision-makers in business and industry.
Event Information
Start Time:
September 09, 2024 8:00 AM Eastern
7:00 AM Central, 6:00 AM Mountain, 5:00 AM Pacific
Add to Calendar:
Estimated Length:
2 days, 3 hours
Registration Time Remaining:
44 days, 4 hours
Click on a topic name to see details and purchase options.
Monday September 9, 2024

In our world of work today the diverse structures of in-office, remote, and hybrid create numerous challenges for fostering a healthy culture. This message offers a blueprint for designing a place everyone wants to invest their best!


At work, we use phrases like “we want you to buy in” or “we just need you to own it.” What exactly that means looks different to everyone. This message brings objectivity to those subjective ideas.


With enthusiastic wit and wisdom, Greg uses his two decades of real estate investing as the setting to reveal the FIVE DISTINCT ATTRIBUTES OF AN OWNERSHIP MINDSET.


Every workplace has people who think and act like Owners, Renters, or Vandals. Owners make big commitments, continually increase value, reach for responsibility, include others, and see the big picture.


Shaping an environment, whether in-person or remote, where everyone wants to invest their best daily transforms culture! This message equips you with language, understanding, and tactical next steps.


Understand how the Five Ownership Attributes enable success and fulfillment.
Learn the two enduring metrics of commitment.
Discover how to persistently add value, regardless of your position in your work life.
Understand how to strategically foster inclusion throughout an organization
Grasp why Vandals are enabled to remain in an organization


Field of Study: Business Management & Organization
CPE: 1.50

Speaker Information
Greg Hawks  [ view bio ]

The last few years have been tough for CFOs and Controllers!  Businesses need to adapt to the seemingly endless changes to the tax code.  Several pieces of new tax legislation have changed the landscape of retirement planning and created many new green energy credits.  Also, what about the new rules regarding transparency in the ownership of corporations?  And why should we care about research costs when we don’t actually do research?  Through discussion and easy to follow examples, we will address these questions and many others in the 2024 version of Keeping Up with the Code!


Learning Objectives:

• State who is subject to the beneficial ownership disclosure rules

• Identify changes to the taxation of software development costs

• Recognize which green energy credits are available to owners of commercial vehicles

• Identify changes to retirement plans that may allow for better employee retention and recruitment


Field of Study: Taxes
CPE: 1.50

Speaker Information
David Peters  [ view bio ]

In the realm of global financial markets, there exist fascinating phenomena known as “black swans.” These are unexpected events with far-reaching consequences that often catch investors, analysts, and even governments by surprise, while creating a profound impact on markets.

Let’s delve into the world of black swan events, exploring their characteristics, historical examples, and implications for financial resilience. Participants will gain insights into how to navigate these unpredictable disruptions and enhance preparedness in an ever-changing economic landscape as we discuss their: 


1. Unpredictability: Black swan events are nearly impossible to predict accurately. They occur outside the realm of standard models and forecasting techniques, catching many market participants off guard.

2. High Impact: Black swans have an extraordinary impact on financial markets, triggering substantial volatility, liquidity shortages, and even systemic risks.

3. Post-Event Rationalization: After a black-swan event, there is a tendency to rationalize and devise explanations for its occurrence. However, this retrospective analysis may lead to overlooking potential black swans in the future.


Being vigilant and proactive in monitoring early warning signals is crucial for navigating black-swan events. By staying informed about global trends, market shifts, and emerging risks, individuals and organizations can anticipate potential disruptions and take preventive measures.


Field of Study: Finance
CPE: 1.50

Speaker Information
Paula McMillan  [ view bio ]

Part of one’s duty as a CPA working in industry is to safeguard the assets of the organization. Cost cutting is one way to preserve assets and maintain a company’s competitive position in the industry. However, what keeps us from ridding our organizations of unnecessary costs? In this course, we will look at the factors that prevent our companies from being as streamlined as they could be. By using statistics and survey data, we will attempt to show how to better negotiate and navigate budgeting and contracting decisions. We will also discuss financial statement analysis techniques, benchmarking, and cash flow management in an effort to better cut costs and maintain the long-run viability of an organization.


Learning Objectives:

• List behavioral biases that prevent companies from being streamlined

• Identify techniques that may be used to make cost cutting a part of the company’s culture and business strategy

• Describe techniques that may be used to discern whether or not additional headcount is necessary

• Discuss the business cycle and how cash flow management changes during each stage


Field of Study: Business Management & Organization
CPE: 1.20

Speaker Information
David Peters  [ view bio ]

Effective Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) is essential for career success, enhancing your ability to perform, innovate, and adapt. This PKM course aims to elevate your performance by teaching you to efficiently manage, apply, and share knowledge in today's dynamic landscape. You'll learn to embrace innovation, enhance productivity through organization, and become a thought leader, opening doors to new opportunities.

The course emphasizes the importance of PKM in improving performance, innovation, and adaptability. It includes analyzing tools and techniques for effective knowledge management and demonstrating how integrating Generative AI and ChatGPT can accelerate PKM processes, providing smarter, faster, and more personalized workflows. Developing these skills will prepare you to stay current with trends and develop new competencies.


Field of Study: Information Technology
CPE: 1.20

Speaker Information
Don Tomoff  [ view bio ]

Coming Soon!


Field of Study: Personnel/Human Resources
CPE: 1.20

Speaker Information
Leah Bitetti  [ view bio ]
Sarah Cacciabaudo  [ view bio ]

This course, designed specifically for accounting professionals, delves into the transformative potential of Generative AI in enhancing various aspects of your work. Participants will explore how AI-powered tools can serve as expert helpers in Excel, automating complex calculations, and data analysis tasks to boost productivity and accuracy. With its focus on practical applications, the course will cover the concept of custom GPT applications tailored to meet specific needs, providing personalized assistance and automating routine tasks to save time and reduce errors.

Moreover, the course will highlight how Generative AI can streamline content creation and summarization, enabling accountants to generate insightful reports, financial summaries, and presentations with ease. By leveraging these advanced AI capabilities, accountants can enhance their efficiency and deliver more accurate and detailed analyses. Join us to gain experience with practical AI applications and transform the way you work with this cutting-edge technology.

Field of Study: Computer Software & Applications
CPE: 1.20

Speaker Information
Don Tomoff  [ view bio ]

What risks should your organization be preparing to address next year? The Institute of Internal Auditors’ annual Risk in Focus report provides insight to help leaders answer that question. The session will go in-depth on the findings of the just-released 2025 report, providing practical, data-driven research that finance professionals can use to better understand today’s evolving risk environment and prepare audit plans for the year ahead.


In this session, participants will:

• Learn about the new North American Risk in Focus report.

• Explore the major risks impacting organizations today as identified by thousands of Chief Audit Executives.

• Discover the major risks that survey respondents expect to impact internal audit plans in next 3 years.

• Review resources for advising your board members on the key risks impacting your organization.


Field of Study: Auditing
CPE: 1.20

Speaker Information
Lindsay Patterson  [ view bio ]

Twenty-one days is the average downtime for a cyber attack. How would you maintain operations with limited access to your computer systems for 21 days? Cyber resilience is more than just cybersecurity – it’s your organization’s ability to prevent, respond to and recover from a cyber incident. Join us as Rafe explains the five critical steps of an effective cyber resilience program to help you proactively prepare for, respond to, and recover from cyber incidents.

Key Takeaways:
 * Understanding Cyber Resilience: Learn the core principles of cyber resilience and how it integrates cybersecurity with business continuity.
 * Risk Assessment and Management: Discover effective strategies to identify, assess, and mitigate cyber risks.
 * Incident Response Planning: Gain insights into developing robust incident response plans to minimize the impact of cyber incidents.
 * Introduction to Best Practices: Get an overview of best practices to maintain business operations amidst cyber threats.


Field of Study: Information Technology
CPE: 1.20

Speaker Information
Rafe Martin  [ view bio ]

This course equips professionals with the skills to leverage ChatGPT as an AI-powered personal assistant, enhancing productivity in various tasks and processes. Participants will learn how to set up and customize ChatGPT, focusing on its integration into team environments to streamline workflows in data management, research, and client projects. Diving into effective Gen AI prompts, participants will learn how to maximize the results returned by the chat tool. 

Through lecture and tool demonstrations, participants will gain experience in setting up and customizing ChatGPT for their workflows. They will discover how ChatGPT can assist with tasks such as Excel formula creation, troubleshooting, automation, and data handling. The course explores methods for integrating ChatGPT into daily workflows to improve productivity, automate tasks, and enhance knowledge management processes.


Field of Study: Computer Software & Applications
CPE: 1.50

Speaker Information
Bill Tomoff
Don Tomoff  [ view bio ]
Tuesday September 10, 2024

Coming Soon!


Field of Study: Economics
CPE: 1.50

Speaker Information
Phillip Neuhart  [ view bio ]

Most leadership development focuses on a single direction within the organizational hierarchy: downstream to subordinates. While it is important to be a good boss, leadership is much more than that. The best leaders learn to lead well in all directions. They lead upward to superiors and across among peers throughout the organization. And it all starts with self-leadership. This often overlooked or misunderstood leadership principle is essential to build a thriving and productive culture.


Field of Study: Personal Development
CPE: 1.20

Speaker Information
Jon Lokhorst  [ view bio ]

Outsourcing involves delegating tasks or functions to external vendors or service providers. This practice has been employed since the 1960s as businesses sought cost-saving opportunities by subcontracting back-office functions like payroll and data entry. The expansion of telecommunication infrastructure in the 1980s and 1990s facilitated a global expansion of outsourcing to countries such as India and the Philippines, which offered skilled workforces at lower costs. The surge in IT outsourcing from the 1990s to the 2000s was fueled by internet development, leading to the establishment of Business Process Outsourcing hubs. These hubs extended beyond IT to include services like HR, Finance, and Accounting, with locations expanding to Eastern Europe and Latin America. 


Recent trends indicate a shift towards choosing outsourcing partners in nearby or neighboring countries as an alternative known as Nearshoring. This approach reduces language, cultural, and time zone barriers, improves communication, and often presents a lower cost compared to onshoring. Join us to discuss the risks and benefits of nearshoring and outsourcing, along with key considerations for a successful transition!


Field of Study: Business Management & Organization
CPE: 1.20

Speaker Information
John Hozik  [ view bio ]
Reagan Mullins  [ view bio ]

The importance of having an open, questioning mindset in the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements.


Session highlights: 
   *Real-life case studies where a "skeptic" identified a material fraud or error.
   *Explain the roles of both reporting entity management and of external auditors in performing reasonable procedures/activities to identify, evaluate and respond to risks of material misstatement due to fraud and error.


Field of Study: Accounting
CPE: 1.50

Speaker Information
Jennifer Louis  [ view bio ]

In today’s business environment, automation is no longer just a buzzword but a critical component for enhancing efficiency and accuracy. This session provides practical insights on automating your organization using advanced tools from Zoho, Zapier, Microsoft, and others. We will focus on real-world applications, demonstrating how to automate key accounts payable, banking, and approval workflows. You will also learn to recognize and avoid common pitfalls in automation projects. This course is essential for accounting and financial professionals seeking to leverage automation to achieve greater efficiency, reduce errors, and foster a more productive work environment.

Upon completing this course, you should be able to:

• Outline the primary benefits of advanced automation in business processes

• Select appropriate automation tools for data extraction and transformation

• Identify Microsoft 365 plans and other tools that offer powerful automation capabilities like Power Automate

• Compare and contrast the functionalities and applications of Power Automate and Zapier

• Recognize business tasks that are prime candidates for automation


Field of Study: Computer Software & Applications
CPE: 1.50

Speaker Information
Tommy Stephens  [ view bio ]

When the COVID-19 crisis hit full force, it sparked a dramatic shift to remote work for much of the workforce. Since then, your “new normal” likely includes some degree of remote work or a hybrid work model. Set your leaders up for success as these new work arrangements continue to evolve. Design your workplace model to promote a healthy culture, collaboration, and productivity. Identify the challenges and opportunities present in each workplace model. Equip your team to maximize the advantages of each work environment. Make in-person work compelling by recognizing basic psychological needs like autonomy, connectedness, and mastery.


Field of Study: Personal Development
CPE: 1.20

Speaker Information
Jon Lokhorst  [ view bio ]

Increasingly, accountants and auditors are called upon to use data analytics to understand and improve results. Yet, many 
professionals struggle with data analytics and remain unaware of how to obtain the needed results using tools they already own. 

In this session, you will learn about the four primary types of data analytics and when to use each. Further, you will learn how to 
generate meaningful analytical measurements using Excel, Power BI, and other tools and, more importantly, how to interpret the 
results. This session is for you if you seek to use data analytics – and who isn’t.

Learning Objectives
• List the four types of data analytics
• Identify examples of analytics available in Excel’s Analysis ToolPak
• Differentiate between correlation and causation
• Identify at least two analytical techniques available in Microsoft’s Power BI platform

Field of Study: Computer Software & Applications
CPE: 1.20

Speaker Information
Tommy Stephens  [ view bio ]

The foundational principles of ethics and why it matters for both personal and professional reasons.


Session highlights: 
   *Explanation of how to make more ethical decisions, including when in a leadership role.
   *Recognize ethical dilemmas and how to approach resolution of conflicts.


Field of Study: Ethics
CPE: 1.20

Speaker Information
Jennifer Louis  [ view bio ]

Generative Artificial Intelligence captured everyone's imagination when it launched in 2022, but it also creates opportunities for data leakage and inappropriate use of confidential data based on the terms of service. Unfortunately, everyone has clicked "I agree" on a Terms of Service (TOS) or End User License Agreement (EULA) document which they neither read nor understood. This session will review the standard terms embedded in these documents with thousands of words and incomprehensible terminology. Attend this breakout and learn what you wish you knew about analyzing and evaluating license agreements and privacy policies.

Upon completing this course, you should be able to:

• Identify at least one tool which helps users to organize and identify critical sections of license agreements

• Select the correct definition for key terms used in license agreements and privacy policies

• Explain how to identify significant sections in license agreements, including how to "opt out" of features that may    compromise your privacy


Field of Study: Computer Software & Applications
CPE: 1.20

Speaker Information
Tommy Stephens  [ view bio ]

Quiet Quitting. Grumpy Staying. The Great Resignation. The Turnover Tsunami. Career Cushioning. Coffee Badging. WFH. WFA. RTO. 


Whatever the moniker of the moment, there’s no doubt leadership gets more challenging by the minute. A shrinking labor pool, generational differences, evolving workplace models, artificial intelligence, and rapid, constant change confront leaders like never before. How will you meet these challenges? Only with Your Best Leadership, day in and day out, throughout your entire organization.


In this inspirational  presentation, Jon shares two profound leadership lessons from his first job as a teenager. Explore vital practices to become the leader everyone wants to follow. Discover the secret of showing your team members you have their best interests at heart—while working together to accomplish crucial business results. Employ a simple tool to consistently deliver Your Best Leadership.

Field of Study: Business Management & Organization
CPE: 1.50

Speaker Information
Jon Lokhorst  [ view bio ]
Wednesday September 11, 2024

NCACPA brings participants an interactive and informative session on the latest and most major issues affecting the profession and the business climate on state, national, and global levels. 

NCACPA will share insights on 
* Trends in corporate finance and the transformation of finance leaders
* Activities of standard-setters and regulators in US Congress and the NC General Assembly 
* Awareness of updates on the accounting pipeline efforts, discussions on alternative paths to licensure and CPA mobility
* Other impactful updates from NCACPA and the AICPA


Field of Study: Personal Development
CPE: 1.30

Speaker Information
Robert Broome  [ view bio ]
Courtney Knoll  [ view bio ]
Mark Soticheck  [ view bio ]

ChatGPT, AI and Beyond...

Join Forbes technology columnist and consultant Gene Marks CPA as he explains which technologies will impact the accounting profession over the next few years and how you can leverage these technologies in your business or your firm.


Gene will discuss how the most financial professionals are using AI, cloud-based software, mobile apps and hardware technologies to grow and profit. Topics covered:

An update on artificial intelligence, including key terms and industry usage/investment trends;
A discussion of how ChatGPT and other AI Assistants can be leveraged for financial professionals;
The latest updates from Microsoft, Google, Apple and other big tech companies that will drive productivity in financial services;
Advice for tightening up your company’s data to fully leverage automation tools and an update on the latest security tools and processes for protecting your data;
Examples of how your customer relationship management, financial and HR platforms will be utilizing AI in the near and long term;
Specific AI and other technologies in the accounting profession to consider;
The latest reporting, accounting and financial automation tools to increase productivity internally;
And much more!…


Field of Study: Information Technology
CPE: 1.30

Speaker Information
Gene Marks  [ view bio ]

In a world where change is relentless and competition is fierce, innovation and creativity are not just desirable—they are essential. Join Tom Triumph, renowned business consultant, speaker, and author of "Evolve or Die: Lessons for World-Class Innovation & Creativity," for an engaging talk that will transform your understanding of what it takes to achieve and sustain a thriving practice and business


Through inspiring and entertaining stories, he will reveal how individuals and organizations produce their best work, and share practical techniques and best practices to drive exceptional innovation and creativity.


Discover how the world's leading organizations avoid mediocrity and instead, foster a culture that champions creativity and innovation. Tom will delve into the secrets of how these companies build and maintain their edge, providing insights that can be applied by any organization or individual.


Whether you're a leader seeking to inspire your team or an individual aiming for personal growth, this keynote will equip you with the knowledge and tools to thrive in today's fast-paced world. Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your innovative capabilities and drive improvement in your endeavors.


Key Takeaways: 
✓ Why being more innovative is especially important today 
✓ The secret of EVERY extraordinary company or person
✓ What NASA taught us about regaining our creative genius
✓ Learning something about every attendee’s brain
✓ Developing your superpower (proven with math) 
✓ What Steve Jobs taught me about culture


Special eBook: Also, as part of the session with Tom, he’ll lead us through a workshop wherein together attendees will write an eBook titled, “Future-Ready CPA: Collective Wisdom on Insights and Innovations Shaping the Future of Accounting.” The eBook will be distributed to attendees (and you’ll be listed as a co-author) approximately two weeks post event.


Field of Study: Business Management & Organization
CPE: 1.50

Speaker Information
Tom Triumph  [ view bio ]
Individual topic purchase: Selected
North Carolina Association of Certified Public Accountants
Various: 20.00
WCNBIF24: Business & Industry Fall Conference (VIRTUAL) - Full Event
Member: $700.00
Non-Member: $800.00
WCNBIF24: Business & Industry Fall Conference (VIRTUAL) - 2-Day Registration
Member: $600.00
Non-Member: $700.00
WCNBIF24: Business & Industry Fall Conference (VIRTUAL) - 1-Day Registration
Member: $300.00
Non-Member: $400.00